The newest addition to Puckle Street Kids, is the very trendy and hip Little Soles brand from Calgary, Canada. And, I must say, their shoes are just sooooo super adorable! I know many of you have been wondering about these new shoes featured on our homepage, so here's the scoop!
Little Soles is a very new brand, they've been around for about 2 years and they are popping up in trendy boutiques all over Canada, but here in the USA, they are still very unknown. The have not officially introduced this line of super fashionable shoes to the US, but will later this year at the ABC show in Las Vegas, I think! However, I must add, they were chosen to participate in this year's Hollywood Baby Breakfast Club and some lucky celebrity moms got their very own pair of Little Soles for their pampered tots! Meanwhile, PSK got their hands on these hot little shoes and we have five beautiful designs in stock in our store ready to ship to you! Little Soles shoes are hard to find here in the US and not widely available online. We hope to get more designs and bigger sizes in the near future.
Exceptionally soft leather was chosen, in and out, to provide the ultimate in comfort and breathability. Quality and value are hallmarks of what Little Soles™ footwear is known for. Featuring unique flexible outsole for superior durability, traction and surface feel; all of which are most important when choosing the right footwear for your little one. The Urban Collection all feature cushioned heels, this adds just that extra layer of comfort for little busy feet and I love that!
Our blog readers benefit from super savings! Take 15% off your Little Soles purchase by using coupon code littlesoles15. Now until June 1st.
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